場所はGo For It!でもおなじみ福島駅前、街なか広場の目の前。


※オリジナルステッカー付 ¥2100(税込み)
シュレダー新福島店 8月5日(金)オープン
〒960-8035 福島県福島市本町2-2
Tel: 080-4455-2615
SHREDDER is newly-opened on August 5, 2011!
It is located at Machinaka-Hiroba – it is a well-known place near Go For It!, in front of the Fukushima Station.
Please go and see it!
SHUREDDER Fukushima will be relocated to Fukushima city and will be open August 5, 2011.
Fukushima still has been the talk of the mass media because of the nuclear plant…
In such a place, some residents like us have our regular life back, while so many residents still live in evacuation centers. We are thinking everyday of what we can do to restore our land.
The radiation issue is far from over but people here love the land, town and people of Fukushima, and we all stay in this place and help each other everyday. The residents who live in the town where it was broken-down by the tsunami or radiation are trying to retrieve their usual life and are trying to make a better place where it used to be. They are proactively going forward and working on the revitalization of the town.
To restore and liven up Fukushima more than it used to be, we opened the new shop in the center of the city, hoping our shop and the sports such as snowboarding, surfing and skateboarding will be a good opener for people to be energetic.
*with original sticker \2,100 (tax included)
Part of the sales will be donated as relief money
SHREDDER ShinFukushima : open August 5, 2011
2-2, Honmachi, Fukushimashi,
Fukushima 960-8035
Tel: 080-4455-2615
*In front of Machinaka-Hiroba!